For spring and summer camps, a full refund will be given for cancellations with at least two weeks notice. For preschoolers and school-age programs, at least one month's notice is required for cancellations and withdrawals. Please note: Prices are subject to change without notice. Registration fees & deposits may be required for your program. At times there are reasons for withdrawal. Saplings will treat each such situation with care and consideration should it arise.
Reason services may be terminated:
• Non-compliance to policies or procedures
• Late or non-payment for service
• Failure to work with staff to meet the needs of one’s child
• Inappropriate placement of a child
• Parent request to withdraw child
We require written notice before the first of the month, one month prior to withdrawal from the program. Failure to give the appropriate amount of notice will result in being charged for an additional month. Should a medical situation arise that requires withdrawal, notice can be given less than one month if accompanied by a doctor’s note. These will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
For Spring and Summer Camps: We will offer a refund minus admin fees ($35) with a required two-week notice. There is no charge to switch weeks. *
Late Fees:
Any late pick ups for the first time late is $1.00 per minute. (maximum charge: $60.) So, if you are 5 minutes late, you will be charged $5, 10 minutes late $10, 60 minutes late $60 etc.
The fee for the second time late is $3.00 per minute (maximum charge: $180) and any time late after that in a 30 calendar day period, the rate will be $3.00 per minute.
The program clock is the time used to determine the late payment. These fees will be paid directly to the educator via e-transfer or cash. No gift cards, gifts or favours will be accepted as payment. Late fees not paid within 48 hours are added to your statement, with an addition $5 processing fee.

Air Quality Policy
Saplings is committed to ensuring a safe environment for your children above all else. In the event of an air quality advisory, Saplings uses the Government of Canada’s Observed Air Quality Index and Air Quality Guidelines as its two primary resources for making informed decisions around any changes, rescheduling or reduction of its programs. As conditions change, the staff will always make decisions in the best interest of the children, parents, and staff, and whenever possible, commit to running the program as scheduled.
Air Quality Rating: 10+ (High)
Programs without access to an indoor space will be cancelled and rescheduled
Air Quality Rating: 7-10+ (High)
Sessions may be rescheduled to a future date, or when possible, moved indoors. Additional time may be added to any remaining days of the camp to make up any missed sessions.
If a program has already begun, we will continue as scheduled. Children will be given longer rest and water breaks throughout the day, and those with pre-existing health conditions (as indicated under the section “Comments/Medical concerns” on their registration form) will be monitored closely. If we find the air quality decreasing we will call home.
Children may choose not to participate in program or withdraw voluntarily.
Air Quality Rating: 4-6 (Moderate to Low)
Programs will run normally.
Children with pre-existing health conditions or those with health concerns will be given additional rest or water breaks as required.
Activities may be adjusted for younger children & those with pre-existing health conditions.
Notification Procedures:
Before a program:
Check your email. In the event of a change due to air quality, the email address on file will be emailed at least 1-hour prior to the start of a program with any changes.
If a session needs to be rescheduled, participants will be notified by email of the new date and/or time as soon as it has been finalized. Every effort will be made to rescheduled the session
During the program:
Should the air quality deteriorate after the program has begun, programs will run as scheduled with reduced activities. Parents will be notified by email if activities are changed.
Every effort will be made to first reschedule any sessions that are affected by an air quality advisory.
Sessions that have been successfully rescheduled, or fulfilled by adding additional time to a camp, will be non-refundable.
Parents with concerns may withdraw their children at any point, however, any programming missed as a result of voluntarily withdrawal is non-refundable.
Refunds/Credits will be issued on a per-session basis only under circumstances where Saplings has formally cancelled sessions and those sessions cannot be reasonably rescheduled.